my figure collection!
[this page is a wip]
i want to catalogue the figures i own!
(grayed out means i no longer own it)feel free to jump to a specific section if you'd like~
scale figs |
nendoroids |
other |
notes ←
scale figures#
GSC 1/8 Scale Kino Figure (2008)
this is the original release of this figurine! (as opposed to the 2019 re-release)...i was surprised to even find it but when i did i knew i had to snag it!
ARTFXJ 1/10 Scale Kino Figure
one of my dream figures finally in my collection♥♥ this figure was released in 2018! i even got them with the hat which was a preorder bonus.
#890 Kino & Hermes
RAAAA I FINALLY GOT YOU KINO...going insane cause my little pookie is home. i now own every kino figure i wanted
#926 Tamaki Yotsuba
tamaki + sogo were the first two nends i ever purchased back in like 2019!! i love them dearly and never plan to separate them
#905 Sogo Osaka
speaking of he is with his goofy little drill and all. i don't have much to say abt him but he's so cute and well designed
#1027 Riku Nanase
another i7 nend that i love with all my heart! this collection is prob my fave
#1019 Tenn Kujo
this soab was so hard to get my hands on. like seriously wtf bro is so popular it isnt fair idk who's worse him or gaku (who i still dont have)
#2233 Mitsuki Izumi
so mad at myself for missing the preorder for the izumi bros but im glad i got them for a decent price second-hand...tho i did get scammed the first time i tried to buy them so >< still an L for me
#2171 Iori Izumi
he is just a little guy and i love him
#1846 Nagi Rokuya
i absolutely LOVE nagi he's so damn cute and his accessories are perfect
#1840 Ryunosuka Tsunashi
i love love love this goofy boy. once i have some more funds im buying gaku to complete trigger
#1665 Yuki
yuki and momo were like nends i was SO hyped for on release. they're the first things i ever imported from japan
#1640 Momo
the fact yuki and momo can do heart hands together makes me keysmash
#1372 Yamato Nikaido
he's so goofy and i love the colors on him. literally all the i7 nends are super hq and i've yet to be disappointed by them
#1323 Doppo Kannonzaka
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo i wish i had hifumi to go with him but its ok :( i think his nend is super impressive actually! the posing is nice and his face is super detailed tbh
#1298 Saburo Yamada
another personal favorite of mine. saburo is prob my fave hypmic chara and his figure is super cute
#1854 Lavi Bookman
my middle school crush in nendoroid form♥ he's a little hard to balance sometimes but overall im really happy with how his figure looks
#1809 Yu Kanda
i lowkey bought him to complete my dgm set...he's a well designed figure tho so no complaints
#1614 Allen Walker
THE HOLY GRAIL my inner child was thrilled to get this figure allen is one of my all time favorite characters and the little timcanpy he comes with is so fkn cute i literally love this fig
#896 Itaru Chigasaki
i love a3 so much guys. my friend got me this nend and i literally love him so much please gsc release more a3 nends im begging
#846 Banri Settsu
my boyfriend? sorry i mean a very well made nend who i love. him and itaru came with little game controllers like the losers they are
#1864 P3 Protag
i love you makoto yuki my persona figs are so cute. i honestly dont care much for the acrylic stand pieces they come with but its ok hes got his evoker
#989 Joker
i may have accidently broken his small mask piece (the one he holds in his hand). was really flimsy and broke when i was adjusting it but i still love him. one day i'll get akechi too
#1607 P4 Protag
another fig i only got to complete the collection...oops...i wish i had yosuke instead but he doesnt have a nend
#1621 APH England
listen....listen i can't defend myself i love aph. and he came with flying mint bunny so f u
#1994 APH Prussia
again. king behavior? i love prussia he's so goofy. he came with gilbird too so like ya was a must
#1766 Yuta Okkotsu
i dont even like jjk that much but i just love this guy. i liked jjk0 a lot and yuta is so cute
#2030 Mafuyu Sato
the bean himself i love mafuyu with all my heart and i think i exploded with joy when his nend was announced
#2031 Ritsuka Uenoyama
i couldnt get mafu without uecchi. plz dont separate them
#1580 Power
a pretty good nend tbh. considering getting rid of her and denji but i havent decided yet? i kinda bought them on a whim when they get re-released but now im like hm. kinda fell out of interest with csm after the first arc ended if u know what i mean
#1560 Denji
god damn this figure is cool. the csm head and the arm saws?? this nend is absolutely insane. but again w what i said considering selling these...or maybe i'll just buy aki
#1572 Roxas
my kid self who was in love with roxas was so happy when i got this nend...though right now it's in storage. the cloak is so large it's difficult to display him because of my current set up
#623 Osomatsu Matsuno
am i glad i bought him? idk. but here's this dude and he's not going anywhere. stupid little guy
#1817 Monika
another nend im considering selling. she's very cute and i like her scary faceplate but i just dont care as much about ddlc as i did before. ider why i got her but i preordered her and i forgot to cancel it. she's currently in storage
#1795 Venti
genshin was a very big obsession of mine when it first released but i only play very casually now. i do really like this nend but it falls apart very easily so it's hard to keep on display. he's in storage bc of that reason
#1666 Manjiro Sano
soo...this figure is very cute and i absolutely adore mikey but when i tell you this is one of the weakest nends ive ever had. this figure absolutely refused to stay together. sorry king. i ended up selling this figure to my friend who wanted him more than me.
other figures
Nendoroid Petite Kino (2009)
i can't find a lot of info on this figure but they're so tiny and cute. kino fits in the palm of my hand :3 i bought them second-hand with no box...i read somewhere that they came in a pack with a few other nends
Dengeki 20th Anni Kino (2012)
this figure is from the ascii media works 20th anniversary dengeki 20 heroines mini figure set which is a mouthful but locating info on this set is fairly difficult as well...i only purchased the kino from this set, i don't own the other 19 figures
TWEWY Neku (2021)
im only gonna say this once: this entire set of figures are absolutely WEAK. the set is officially called the world ends with you the animation figure and when i tell you they hate staying on their gotta like wiggle them until they stay put and if you even slightly bump them they fall
TWEWY Beat (2021)
these figures do look really nice considering the low price though. i like the dynamic poses i just wish they didn't fall so easily
TWEWY Rhyme (2021)
clearly i love twewy cause i bought so many of these. rhyme is my fave and her fig is adorable
TWEWY Joshua (2021)
his fig stands the best cause he's got two feet on the base. no complaints here.
Tanjiro Kamado Model Kit
i considered making a kit category but this is the only one i've built so i'll put it here for now. it was a fun build! i wish i'd had better tools to clean up some of the spots where i snapped the pieces off the base but oh well. idk if i'd have the patience to do a kit again but it was a good experience. he falls over really easily.
i've noticed that older figures are fairly difficult to find information on, especially the kino no tabi figures. which is unfortunate! i may try to scrape together more information on kino figures + merch in the i saw a kino music box the other day that i thought was really cool.
previously the artfxj kino was my top prio to find but now that i have it i just need the kino/hermes nendoroid set! but i can't justify spending more than like $150 on it which is the struggle right i'll keep searching
i've been finding new types of figures i haven't heard of before. like "niitengo" was one i'd never seen before getting the kino niitengo figure. i'm also trying to figure out the correct classification for my twewy figures. i've seen them referred to as "prize figures" as well as "cast figures" so when i have time i'll try to dive a bit deeper into that mess...since they're do i put it nicely...
flimsy they seem more like prize figures you'd get from banpresto. cause damn those figures do NOT like to fit on their stands.